The cemetery information found here was gathered and compiled by Dawn C. Stricklin, MA of Southern Illinois University's Department of Anthropology in Carbondale, IL. She has generously provided the data to The Genealogy Center so that it could be available for researchers to use.
Adler, Mother Ida
Ahern, Mother M. Celestine
Aign, M. Marina Augenendt, Sister Xavier
Babel, Mother Martha Baskerville, Mother Cyprian Bigley, Mother Borgia Bigley, S. Maria Bonifacia
Blum, Mother Joanna Boettinger, Mother Arsenia Boismenue, M. Maria Bougger, Mother Cleopha
Bougger, Mother Stanislaus Bourke, Sister Agnes Burgert, Sister Hermina Burns, Sister Petronilla Buttell, Sister Rita
Callon, Sister Mary Christoffel, Sister Fridoline Cloonan, M. Marcella
Cloonan, S. Maria Lawrence Cloonan, Sister Raphael Colonel, Mother Regina
Cooper, Agnes Corley, Mother Eusebia
Daringer, Sister Rita Dean, Sister Jerome
Dendinger, Sister Assumpta Dendinger, Sister M. DeSales
Dickermann, S. Maria Theodora Dillon, Mother Camilla Doll, S. Maria Ida
Eaerber, S. Maria Liboria Echtild, M.M.
Eckert, S. Maria Agatha Edmunds, Mother Augustine
Erbach, Sister Melania
Fehlings, S. Maria Barbara Ferara, Mother Evangeline
Ford, M. Mary J. Fox, Mother Clotilde
Franken, Sister Coletta Fraser, Mother Blanche Fredewest, Mother Stanisla
Genter, Mother Benedict Ginnan, Mother Loretta
Goehurt, Rosa Goeke, Rev. Francis
Govreau, Mother Modesta Govreau, Sister Elvira Greasly, Sister Beata
Hagerty, Sister Winifred Harbison, Mother Paula
Henzelmann, Sister Bertha Hillenbrand, Sister Elizabeth
Hiller, Mother Monica Hoffman, Sister Genevieve Hottstetter, S. Maria Paula
Illegible, S. Maria Agnes
Immer, Sister Antoinette
Janvier, Mother Marie
Jones, Sister Mary Columba
Karrenbrock, Mother M. Rose Kern, Sister M. Constonce Kettelle, Mother Victoria Ketterer, Mother Isabella
Kilian, M. Pia J. Killian, Sister Scholastica Kober, M. Adelia Koenig, Sister Vincent
Kohlberg, Sister Christine Kohne, Sister Alphonsa Kremer, S. Maria Philomena Kurth, Mother Anne
Leon, S. Maria Josephine LeVan, Sister Bernadette
Ley, M. Beatrice J. Linhorn, S. Maria Frances
Logan, M. Eugene Lyons, M. Hortense
Manning, S. Maria Zita Mayer, Mother Marian McCoy, M. Ursula J. McDonald, Mother Sylvester McTigue, Sister Bridget
Meyer, Sister Amata Meyers, S. Maria Dominica Minges, Mother Hildegarde Moessle, M. Cordula Moorman, Sister Geraldine
Muehlsiepen, Katharina Muehlsiepen, Margaretha Muehlsiepen, Rev. Henry Mueller, Sister Rosalia Murphy, Sister Veronica
Nichols, Sister Helen
Niegerle, Sister Clara
Nuell, S. Maria Armella
O'Connell, Sister Margaret O'Donnell, Mother De Chantal O'Donnell, Sister Johanna
O'Leary, Mother Anita Oberndorfer, Mother Angela Orf, S. Maria Aloisia
Orf, S. Maria Josephina Orf, Sister Agnes
Pfeiffep, Miss Clementine
Pfeiffer, M. Bernardine
Pilliod, Mother Clementine
Rawley, Sister Gertrude
Roth, Sister Colette
Roth, Sister Lidwina
Schoeffer, Mother Ignatia Schorle, Sister Antoinette Schreiber, Rev. F.X.
Schreiber, Sister Dorothea Schurmanno, Mother Thomasine Schworer, Sister Regina
Sherk, Mother Monica Siefke, Sister M. Teresa Strautmann, Sister Agatha Sullivan, Mother Teresa
Tiefenbrunn, Sister Wilhelmina Tighe, Mother Felicitas
Tintrup, Mother Seraphine Tintrup, Rev. Conradus
True, Mother Bonaventure True, S. Maria Barromeo
Unknown, M. Domatilla
Unknown, Sister Concilia
Van Der Loecht, S. Maria Ottilia
Van-Dorn, Sister Fabian
Varcher, M. Stephania J. Viger, S. Maria Baptista
Washington, Mother Julianna Washington, S. Maria Anna Weber, S. Maria Rosalia Weber, Sister Leoba
Weber, Sister M. Anthony Weindel, Sister Frances Wenzl, Sister Mary Louise Wernert, Lawrence C.
Wibbenmeyer, Sister Tarcisia Wolfart, Sister Monica Wortmann, Sister Barbara Wright, M. Maria Liguori