Williams, Francis Wesley (AKA William Williams), U.S. Navy
This is the military record of Francis Wesley Williams who was born on 23 August 1894 in Summit Hill, Pennsylvania, and he was buried in the G.A.R. Cemetery in Summit Hill on 10 February 1937. He died in Cleveland, Ohio, on 5 February 1937. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy on 30 January 1919 in New Haven, Connecticut, using the name William Williams for some unknown reason. On 1 February 1919 he was transferred to the Receiving Ship in Charleston, South Carolina. Unfortunately, he deserted the Navy there on 23 May 1919. His identity was confirmed by the Navy Department of the Bureau of Navigation by matching his finger prints with the prints in the file of William Williams. Submitted by his grandson, Joseph F. Martin of Romeoville, Illinois, in August 2018 and used here with his permission. Contents: |